What to expect when taking a Rooney's Rigger out of town.

  1. When collecting an order from Rooney’s, we will often supply a rigger especially if there is a tent to be installed. What to expect when taking a rigger on a collection order is listed below:
  2. If the order is going out of Harare and the rigger is to stay out of town over night, the client is expected to provide accommodation and meals for the rigger while on site.
  3. The rigger will be paid an out of town allowance by Rooney’s that has been charged on the client’s invoice and you will not be expected to have to pay him any more.
  4. The rigger will work normal working hours (see below working hours), if he is to work outside these hours he will request that you sign his out of town time sheet agreeing that you requested him to work outside normal hours. If he is to work outside normal business hours the client will be billed for the overtime and this will be added on your final invoice. Rooney’s will pay the rigger any extra over time charges.
  5. When traveling on the client’s time, if this is after normal business hours, this is also considered overtime and will be billed for.
  6. The riggers role is to insure that all Rooney’s equipment is installed safely and to the client’s satisfaction. The rigger will require extra labour according to the size of the installation – your Special Events Consultant or Rooney's Distribution will be able to advise on these numbers.
  7. A rigger will assist where he can with Rooney's equipment – he is not expected to perform any other duties that don’t relate to the equipment that has been hired from Rooney's.
  8. When Rooney's supply a rigger to assist with installing your order, they will require additional labour. The amount of extra labour required will be advised by your consultant. The extra labour will be required to assist with installing the Rooney's equipment and with dismantling the Rooney's equipment. The extra labour required will be for the clients account.
  9. If you have any questions relating to the role of a Rooney's rigger please feel free to contact your Special events Consultant.

Rooney’s Normal Hours of Business

Monday to Friday 8.00am - 5.00pm with 1 hour Lunch
Saturday 8.00am - 12.00noon
Sundays and Public Holidays are considered as overtime